30th July 2020

Today the Lift the Ban coalition launched it's new report 'Common sense: why people seeking asylum should have the right to work'. As part of the Lift the Ban coalition we welcome this new report and support it's findings and recommendations.

'I want to work – I don’t want any more hand-me-downs. I want to enjoy the reward of my seat. I don’t want to rely on the Government’s benefits – I want to work so I can prove myself to my children'
- Rose, seeking asylum in the UK

Currently in the UK people seeking asylum can apply to work after their claim has been open for twelve months. If they are granted permission to work they can only take employment from jobs on the shortage occupation list. The list is highly limited which means in reality people seeking asylum are prevented from working even if they are granted permission. The Lift the Ban campaign argues that people seeking asylum should be given permission to work after a six month period and not be constrained by the shortage occupation list. 

Lift the Ban's new report shows why giving people who are seeking asylum the right to work just makes sense. Giving people who are seeking asylum permission to work improves their well-being, alleviates poverty and contributes to our economy. In times when we need our key workers more than ever, there are many people who are seeking asylum who are trained to work in this sector who are banned from contributing. There is also overwhelming support from the public and business sector to give people the right to work.

We'd love for you to share the campaign, raise awareness and ask decision makers to make these important changes.