Comfort shares her path to healing as a woman with experience of the UK asylum system.

My name is Comfort Etim. I work for Refugee Women Connect and have done for the past four years. I thought to celebrate 2022 Refugee Week themed HEALING by sharing one partway to my healing as a woman with experience of the UK asylum system.

To heal, I surrounded myself with positive individuals, support groups like Refugee Women Connect then known as MRANG because I understood the power of support during does uncertain times in my life. This helped me mentally and otherwise as I was not too sure of the duration before a decision would be made on my claim.

The kind of support I received from Refugee Women Connect is that which enabled me to remain focused in life especially the future I barely saw. I made friends with like minds, the staffs were very kind to me and encouraging, knowing my strengths, and ensuring I did not give up.  For every stage of the asylum process you need that continuous support and that was exactly what Refugee Women Connect gave me.

I now work for the organisation due to the support, empowerment, and encouragement I received. I am excited that us as an organisation, are shifting powers whereby women with lived experience are given a chance to be at the forefront of decision making. Working for Refugee Women Connect has allowed me my share my story, gain experience and grown to having my own organisation.

Refugee Women Connect can only continue the work we do with funding, funding that gives opportunity to women like myself to heal and grow to a better version of ourselves. Please donate. Happy Refugee Week. 

Refugee Week Appeal 2022 | Refugee Women Connect

You can listen to an exclusive interview with Comfort, our Policy and Advocacy Officer, on BBC Merseyside's 'Upfront' podcast with Ngunan Adamu.