We are delighted to announce that a collaborative piece of artwork by the women who attend our Mental Health and Wellbeing Art Group has been selected to feature in a new exhibition. 'Our Gaze' is an exhibition celebrating local women and their creative work.

The artwork we have chosen to submit is a collaborative embroidery piece which features maps of different of areas of Liverpool where the women live and build their lives. 

We think its really important to celebrate the group and the art they've made, featuring in exhibitions is a great way to build confidence and empower the women so we invite you to come and see what they have created!

*Update* If you didn't get an opportunity to visit the exhibition, the wonderful artists at Hamilton Vault Studios have uploaded an Exhibition Tour which you can watch online. Our Gaze: A Group Exhibition From Female & Non Binary Artists — Hamilton Vault Studios

3rd-9th April from 10-5pm 

Hamilton Vault Studios

1 Hamilton Square

CH41 6AU