Q&A for World Mental Health Awareness Day

Join us for a Q&A to celebrate World Mental Health Awareness Day! Read more

The importance of considering mental health support throughout our services.

At Refugee Women Connect, we strive to understand the women that we work with in their entirety. For us, this often means taking into consideration that people are less likely to be able to discuss or focus on their mental health if their basic rights are not taken care of. We therefore have to consider that the strand of mental health must run through every service we provide when working with women and their families, in order to support people with all of their needs. Read more

“If Compassion Exists…”

This year the theme of Refugee Week is Compassion. Read the poem “If Compassion Exists…” written by women being supported by the Mental Health Team and Rachel Jenkins (MH & Wellbeing Manager). Read more

Matanda's Blog: Why Pride is important to LGBTQ+ asylum-seeking women

Expert by Experience, Matanda shares her thoughts on why Pride is important to LGBTQ+ asylum-seeking women. Read more

Mental Health Awareness Week 15th-19th May

Today marks the beginning of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. This year's theme is 'Anxiety'. Throughout the week we'll be highlighting some of the factors which cause anxiety for the women we work with. Read more

Equity vs. Equality in Health Services

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the theme of #EmbraceEquity. While the overall campaign will be focusing on the importance of gender equity, the mental health team want to highlight the importance of equity in health services. Read more